- Parents
- Aeries.net Parent Portal
- Care Solace Counseling Referral
- Course Catalog
- District Advisory Committee
- Emergency Information
- English Learner
- Find My School - School Locator
- Foster Youth
- Healthy Kids Survey
- HOPE (Homeless Outreach)
- Inter / Intra District Transfers
- Parent and Family Engagement Board Policy
- Parent Resources
- Parent / Student Rights Handbook and Signature Packets
- Parent University
- School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
- School Boundary Maps
- SPED Transfer School Services Report
- Student Cell Phone Policy
- Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Education Codes
- Student Transcript Request Form
- Testing and Accountability
- Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) / Williams Valenzuela Acts
- Yuba County Mobile Dental Clinic
Parent Resources
Thank you for visiting the Parent Resource webpage.
MJUSD staff is dedicated to providing support at every level to meet the academic, emotional and physical well-being of our students. It is our top priority to provide our schools with several different levels of services to keep our students safe and engaged.
First, and foremost, if you have any concerns with your child's emotional and mental well-being, the school Principal remains the main contact and can talk through what support services are available, both at the site and at the district level. Obviously, a medical emergency should be directed to your physician or 911.
On this page, you can access our services and the list of community services in Marysville.
Listed below are some services for all our families:
- While at school, all students will continue to have access to counselors dedicated to academic, physical, social and emotional success of each student. Reach out to your child’s counselor and talk with them about your student’s success. Learn about your child’s academic progress and share any concerns you might have. Let’s continue to work together.
- With parent approval, students in our intermediate and high schools have access to Wellness Together therapists. Our therapists offer students mental health support which includes individual counseling services, psychosocial interventions and group counseling.
- Outreach Consultants support families to remain in contact with the school and receive updated information of what is happening at the site. Please contact your Principal to make sure your email and phone number is updated so you can receive important and exciting updates from your schools, get to know the Outreach Consultant at your students’ school.
- All families have 24/7 access to mental health services through Care Solace. You can visit the Care Solace page and start a referral request. This service is at no-cost to the family and links you to a mental health care provider within 24 to 72 hours. This service saves you time from looking for mental therapists and psychologists. For more information on the services listed above, please send an email to Ms. Rodriguez at erodriguez@mjusd.k12.ca.us.
- Foster care and homeless services are also available. We have a clothing closet in the district for our students that provides clothes, shoes and school backpacks. Please contact Ms. Book at abook@mjusd.k.12.ca.us.
- After school programs: each of our sites have after school programs that support enrichment and homework time for students in grades TK-8. Space is limited so please contact ppantoja@mjusd.k12.ca.us for more detailed information.
- 24/7 academic tutoring:is available for every student in grades 3-12. This is a free service that MJUSD provides to our students. Sometimes the homework assignment gets a little difficult or a student might need to just catch up or prepare for a test- use this service. For more information contact sandrat@mjusd.k12.ca.us.
- We host summer learning each year. Please visit the page under Education Services to learn about the dates for each year. This is usually published by February each year, with signups dates starting in March. Contact sandrat@mjusd.k12.ca.us for additional information.
Please join us on MJUSD Facebook page. If you have not checked that out, please do so.
There are Informational videos on how to access AERIES for you to see and monitor your student's grades. There are several other resources that is very helpful for you.
Please check out the district and school monthly newsletters as well and browse the website, including the Student tab. If you have any questions, please reach out to your site administrator or contact the Public Information Officer at khauck@mjusd.k12.ca.us.