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Roxanne Brown, Interim Superintendent
Roxanne Brown, Interim Superintendent![]()
Roxanne Brown, Interim Superintendent
Dear MJUSD Community:
I’d like to personally thank both the school site and District Office staff for their warm welcome in my first days serving as Interim Superintendent. What continues to bubble to the top with each school site and department visit is the level of loyalty I’ ve witnessed.
October 8th Board Meeting News:
The Board recognized our Warehouse and Grounds crew for the wonderful support and beautification of our campuses. School site staff were also recognized for their commitment for providing our students with academic and personal success opportunities.
Capitol Advisors LLC provided an update for California. There are more one-time monies on the horizon which is good news. The bad news is that it’s very difficult to run a school district or any business on one-time money as both school districts and businesses are obligated with ongoing expenses.
KNN Public Finance, LLC for the general obligation bonds refunding update. As a community MJUSD community has not passed the last two bonds that were intended for school facilities. A concern for MJUSD is the lack of student housing to accommodate the continued growth of our district.
The Board approved:
- The employment contract for myself to serve as Interim Superintendent.
- Several contracts for Educational Services throughout the district for school sites.
- A Five-year educational program agreement with Yuba College for the classroom space for Middle College Academy high school students.
- Out-of-state field trips for Lindhurst and Marysville High School AVID and medical class students to the University of Nevada. Also approved an overnight field trip for Marysville Charter Academy of the Arts students to attend the two-day Lenaea Festival in Folsom CA.
- A contract with Solution Tree to provide staff development to three of our foothill school sites: Browns Valley, Cordua, and Loma Rica.
- The Board accepted the California Community School Partnership Program grant for $2,137,500.
- The purchase of a new portable classroom building for Arboga TK-8 school.
We have many activities, sporting events, and meetings happening throughout the district. I encourage you to visit your school website and check out the school calendar of events. The Sunday Scoop format has changed from a weekly to a monthly broadcast with the first episode airing in November.
On 10/14, the California Department of Education (CDE) released the 2023/2024 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for our students. Our Educational Services Department is disseminating the data for trends of improvement and strategies that will close the student achievement gap.
I look forward to working with you.
In education,
Roxanne Brown

Interim Superintendent