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- Superintendent
Data and Student Improvement

- Providing world class research based curriculum
- Promoting the District's core beliefs about teaching and learning
- Facilitating coordination of Pre K-12 education
- Providing support, technical assistance, and consultation to to the schools
- Determining program effectiveness through data analysis
Areas of responsibility include: Educational Services is committed to supporting Administrators, teachers, support staff and all educational partners in providing a quality education for students. I have worked at school sites for the past 34 years and am excited to join the Educational Services team. Some of the responsibilities that I oversee include; Student achievement data and analysis, Professional Learning Communities, After school programs including ASES, STARS and Expanded Learning Opportunities Program, and TK-3 Literacy committee and plan development.
Thank you for visiting our webpage, please contact us if you have any questions.
Director of Data and Student Improvement
(530) 749-6161
TK-3 Literacy Plan ![]()
Department Supports
Department Supports![]()
Department Supports